Best way to measure window tint percentage

Best way to measure window tint percentage

So, you’ve got window tint on your car, and you’re wondering, “How dark is it really?” Or maybe you’re curious if it’s within legal limits and won’t get you pulled over. Measuring your window tint percentage might sound a little technical, but it’s actually pretty simple when you know what to do. Let’s talk about how to figure it out and why it’s a good idea to check your tint in the first place.

What Does Window Tint Percentage Even Mean?

Alright, let’s start with the basics. Window tint percentage is all about how much light can pass through your windows, also known as visible light transmission (VLT). Here’s how it works:

  • A 5% tint (you’ve probably heard it called limo tint) is super dark. It only lets 5% of light through, so it’s hard to see inside.
  • A 35% tint is more moderate, allowing 35% of light through while still giving you that sleek, shaded look.

The lower the percentage, the darker your tint. It’s important to know this number because every state has its own laws about how dark your windows can be, and let’s be honest, nobody wants a ticket for something so avoidable.

Why Should You Measure Tint Percentage?

There are a few reasons why it’s good to know the exact percentage of your window tint:

  1. Avoiding Tickets: Every state has specific rules about how dark your windows can be, especially for the front windows. If your tint is too dark, you’re asking for a citation.
  2. Checking Installation: If you’ve recently had your car tinted, it’s nice to confirm that the installer gave you the percentage you paid for.
  3. Monitoring Wear and Tear: Over time, tint can degrade and let in more light than it used to. Measuring it helps you know if it’s time for a replacement.

The Best Tool for the Job: A Window Tint Meter

The absolute easiest and most accurate way to measure your window tint is with a window tint meter and it’s not as complicated as it sounds. These devices are handheld, simple to use, and give you a clear percentage reading in seconds.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Turn on the meter and get it ready.
  2. Place it on your car window (it usually clamps onto the edge of the glass).
  3. The meter will shine a light through the tint and calculate how much gets through. The number that pops up is your VLT percentage.

A tint meter is the gold standard for accuracy, which is why professionals and law enforcement use them. If you want to be 100% sure about your tint, this is the tool you need.

Other Ways to Estimate Your Tint Percentage

If you don’t have a tint meter lying around (and let’s face it, most of us don’t), there are a couple of other ways you can get a rough idea of your tint percentage. They’re not as precise, but they’ll give you a general sense of how dark your windows are.

Compare It to Factory Tint
Most cars come with some level of factory tint, usually around 70% VLT. If you know someone with untinted windows or a car with factory tint, you can visually compare your windows to theirs. It’s not exact, but it’s a decent starting point.

Check Your Tint Paperwork
If you had your tint installed professionally, the shop should have given you paperwork showing the percentage you chose. It might not account for any changes over time, but it’s a good reference if you’re unsure.

Use a Smartphone Light Meter App
There are apps out there that claim to measure light transmission using your phone’s camera. While they’re convenient, they’re not very reliable. Lighting conditions and camera quality can throw off the results, so take these with a grain of salt.

Things to Keep in Mind When Measuring Tint

When you’re checking your window tint percentage, there are a few things you’ll want to consider:

  • Know the Laws Where You Live: Each state has its own regulations for window tint. Some states allow darker tint on rear windows than on front ones, so make sure you’re clear on the rules in your area.
  • Factory Tint Plus Aftermarket Tint: If your car came with factory tint and you added aftermarket tint, the combined effect might make your windows darker than you think.
  • When in Doubt, Ask a Pro: If you don’t want to mess with figuring it out yourself, a professional shop like RM Window Tint in Colorado Springs can measure it for you. They have the tools and expertise to give you an accurate reading.

Why RM Window Tint Is Your Go-To Shop

If you’re in Colorado Springs and want to check your tint percentage or need new tint altogether… RM Window Tint has you covered! Their team uses professional-grade tint meters to measure your VLT, and they’ll make sure your car complies with local laws. Plus, if you’re looking to upgrade your tint, they have top-notch options that look great and keep your car cool.

Check Your Tint Like a Pro

Knowing your window tint percentage isn’t just about avoiding tickets, it’s about making sure your car looks great and performs the way you want it to. Whether you use a tint meter, compare it visually, or head to a professional shop… Measuring your tint doesn’t have to be complicated. If you want to play it safe, let RM Window Tint in Colorado Springs handle it for you. They’ll make sure your windows are in tip-top shape and legal, so you can drive with confidence and style.

Now go take a look at your windows and see how they measure up!